Situatie van groep transgenders in Yogyakarta moeilijker vanwege toenemende discriminatie

Verslag van situatie van transgenders in Yogyakarta en voortgang projecten

Van de voorzitter van Seruni kregen we een kort verslag over de situatie van transgenders in Yogyakarta. De intolerantie ten aanzien van transgenders neemt ook in Yogyakarta toe. Toenemende haat via sociale media doet de onrust toenemen en ook het verbieden door de overheid van evenementen georganiseerd door de LBTHQ gemeenschap versterkt deze discriminatie nog meer. Veel geld is daarom gestoken in het beveiligen van de eigen mensen tijdens evenementen (bijv. markten en modeshows). Sosoi ondersteunt ‘Seruni’ een groep van ongeveer 90 transgenders, die min of meer in hetzelfde deel van Yogyakarta wonen, en die ook onderdeel zijn van de grote gemeenschap ‘Kebaya’. Sosoi heeft ze ondersteunt met het opzetten van 3 groentetuinen waarmee ze nu in hun eigen groentes kunnen voorzien en ook groentes kunnen verkopen. Ook is er een credit union opgezet, waar 5 groepen van ongeveer 10-15 mensen geld lenen en terugbetalen met rente en sparen. Sosoi heeft ze geholpen met een bedrag van  ongeveer 1500 euro als startkapitaal. Dit bedrag is inmiddels gegroeid tot 1750 euro. De leden van de groep voelen zich erg geholpen bij deze spaar/leengroepen. Verder is de groep ook begonnen met de verkoop van limonade gemaakt van Aloe Vera.

We hebben onlangs ook meebetaald aan de medische kosten van twee ernstig zieke leden van Seruni.

Hieronder staat de engelse tekst van het verslag wat wij hebben gekregen van Seruni:

Contect Implementation

The most evident and relevant context change that we can report is the change in the socio-political context. In the second half of the first year, the national political situation became heated due to the re-emergence of the LGBTIQ+ issues, triggered by both the power holders and social media influencers, causing social unrest and social rejections (worsening the situation). One of the most striking changes happened due to the impact of Deddy Corbuzier, a well known celebrity podcast, in which he invited an openly gay Indonesian man named Ragil and his partner from Germany. The conversation was considered controversial and triggered angry responses from the society. Moreover, the Indonesian Minister of Justice and Human Rights gave a statement that LGBT issue should be included as a clause in the Bill of Criminal Code. The opposing views and the controversies surrounding this issue began to spread that the governor of DKI Jakarta (at the time) Anies Baswedan prohibited the event of Citayam Fashion Week, an arts and culture event routinely held by teenagers on the street, because the event was considered as promoting the so-called LGBT behaviours until impact of serial election, both of president & legislative election during the campaign LGBTIQ issue was really stricked

Unfortunately the social media was mainly used to spread hatred and such hatred could potentially lead to further discriminations towards the LGBT communities, especially the transgender communities, and more specifically the trans-women communities who have long been the most marginalized community. The situation described above and many similar situations raised the concerns and anxieties of transwomen communities in Indonesia in general and in Yogyakarta in particular who have repeatedly endured stigma, discrimination and persecution in almost every region in Indonesia. Related to such change in the socio-political context, the KEBAYA staff who are also part of the transwomen community practiced more caution in the project implementation. At the same time, we have been increasing our advocacy activities on trans-women’s rights and providing more assistance to our community members in response to the increasing frequency of civil service police raids.

Not to mention the problem of PLWHA and vulnerable groups who do not fully have all access to facilitate them in ART therapy and to survive in safe conditions cannot be guaranteed by the amount of global fund support received by Indonesia since 2006 because the fact is that the shelter where PLWA treatment has been independently organized by Kebaya Yogyakarta since 2006 has not received support from GF funding. So It was so important for us basically support for our Kebaya Shelter and also WCC Shelter as elderly Shester for transwomen who also living with HIV.

Project Concept

Despite the increasingly difficult socio-political change that discredits the LGBTIQ+ communities in the midst of society, we still regard the concept of our proposal as relevant and must be continued. However, it did impact our budget since we needed to allocate more funds for security and our protection, especially for activities done in public. We also conducted more security screenings in order to protect our community. In Community Project partners (Kebaya, WCC & Seruni) we implemented the projects with extra caution. Before each activity, we conducted security assessments and analyzed whether there could be potential hate crimes towards any participant of the activities due to the negative sentiments towards the LGBT community in general, and towards a trans-women community specifically. Three communities, namely Kebaya Gowongan, Seruni Sleman and WCC Bantul already have their community gardens established. They plant a variety of vegetables such as eggplant, mustard greens and chilli plants. They have had several big harvests. In their daily lives, the community members managed to have daily supplies i.e., mustard greens and chilli for their daily consumption, for instance as condiments when they are making instant noodles or when making chilli sauce. 10% of the harvest results were managed to be sold, e.g. small green chilli, mustard greens, bean sprouts, and red onions. 100% of the harvest could already fulfill the community’s daily needs.


20 representatives of Government Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations received comprehensive and updated information about the issues faced by trans-women, specifically the issues on o

btaining access to their basic rights and cases related to the police raids. The representatives showed their commitment to facilitating the advocacy for these issues. – DIY Province Health Office and PKM Gedong Tengen (Gedong Tengen Public Health Center)— henceforth PKM stands for Public Health Center and will be used throughout the document—received information on the difficulties faced by trans-women to get vaccinated because they did not have ID card and because of other administrative issues at the time. The agencies agreed to provide vaccination for the trans-women communities during the pandemic covid-19.

– The health office and PKM Jetis Kota received the data on vulnerable trans-women in Yogyakarta and PWA (people living with HIV/AIDS). PKM Kretek received information regarding the cooperation to give vaccine boosters during the pandemic Covid-19.

– The Population and Civil Registration Office in the Yogyakarta City and Sleman District were informed about the challenges faced by trans-women to obtain their ID cards and committed to facilitate the process, following the the recommendation of the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs to not hinder the process when trans-women apply to make their ID cards.

– The village governments where some trans-women reside (Bener Tegalrejo Village Office in the area of Yogyakarta City for the members of Sidomulyo Community and the Maguwoharjo Village Office in Depok Sleman for the members of Seruni Community) understood the issues and were willing to facilitate the trans-women’s administrative process in obtaining ID cards.

– Social Services Agencies in both Yogyakarta City area and the Sleman District were committed to ollow up and facilitate the administrative process for the burial and funeral arrangements for the trans-women who did not have ID cards or were from outside DIY region, and also for those with no support from their close families or relatives.

– We fully use the grant from Pak Wisnu to subsidize fiveth of Community Credit Union, two shelters, namely the Kebaya PLWHA shelter and the elderly shelter WCC with details for WCC shelter in Bantul and to support the secretariat of Seruni community in Sleman DIY. The total amount of grant we investate in Credit Union bussiness since two years are around 25 million rupiahs and now was been developing until 30 million rupiah and distribute to around 5 Credit Union with venture capital around five millions rupiahs per CU with total partisipant members as benefeseries arounds a hundred person of transgender community in Yogyakarta.

Others support allocation for join participation in the exhibition event in Yogyakarta.


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